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The Bright World that Our Children Dream of! Capro is creating that world.

Capro, embracing environmental importance as the foundation of its management philosophy, is positively investing in environmental and energy improvement and in greenhouse gas reduction. We also conduct the following activities and accomplish outstanding results not only to realize a world-class environmental management enterprise in our business category but also to positively contribute to the environmental development of communities.

  • Holds Environment and Safety Diagnosis Day (once a month) and Implements the Environmental Safety Inspection System (daily)
  • Operates proper discharge and discharge prevention facilities through proactive maintenance (ensuring under 10-30% of the legally allowable level)
  • Maintains a permanent monitoring system for the final discharge outlets and for the discharge outlets between areas
  • Sets up and maintains the optimal chimney automatic measurement equipment operation systems (a total of 14 devices)
  • Sets up and maintains the environmental management system (ISO14001)
  • Participates in RC and engages in the Pollution Prevention Practice Committee activities
  • Installs and operates the designated foul-odor and complex-foul-odor prevention facilities to improve the environment in a way that people will perceive
  • Uses clean fuel (LNG) to reduce the air pollutant emissions
  • Conducts community environment protection activities, one-company/one-river environmental-cleaning campaigns, and surrounding-environmental-improvement activities
  • Drives forward energy-saving businesses
  • Conducts greenhouse gas reduction businesses
  • Continuously conducts various environmental improvement businesses
Environment Management Staff Members
  • Staff  Lee Hong Jeong (Tel. 052-270-9790 / Fax. 052-270-9794)
  • Environment and Safety Team Head
     Sangjun An (Tel. 052-270-9780)